Renegade Post #2!! Bulgarian Word/Phrase of the Day:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Welcome to another disrupt in the "flow" of Blogstars. We will not have a post today on either Valfa or Blok Art, in its place we will have me, "Vasil Aprilov", feeding you the Bulgarian Word or Phrase of the Week. Here goes:
This weeks word is, "Bреме". While it looks like you non-Bulgarian speakers can read it, I assure you that it is harder than it seems. This word is pronounced like, "Vreme".
This word has two meanings and they are extremely confusing as both of these are very commonly used words.
Meaning number one; "Weather"...(Picture of a Burgas, Bulgaria sunset)
Meaning number two; "Time"..."How confusing!??!" You might say. Well I agree.
Whenever I want to say, "The weather is great", I feel that I am saying that "The time is great", or the other way around, "It took a long weather" instead of "time" and that my speech will be even less understood than it already is. This makes me very apprehensive to use this common word and there is no way around it.
So I ask you dear Bulgarian readers to invent and begun using another word for one or the other, if only for my sake. This will also help me to read signs like these:Well, the second one make sense, "Work time", however the first one... is it "New time" or "New weather"? I don't know.
In closing, I propose a new word be added to the Bulgarian language. Please feel free to submit ideas in the "Comments" section located at the bottom of this blog. Thank you.
-Vasil Aprilov
(PS- In 1835 Vasil Aprilov founded the first school to teach entirely in Bulgarian and he helped with the creation of the Bulgarian publishing industry.)
Posted byPavel at 9:52 PM
Labels: Word/Phrase
Ново време is a political party in Bulgaria. The name is closer to the meaning "New age" although not exactly the same.