Smell of the Week: Blok
Thursday, March 27, 2008
There has always been something quite perplexing about the smell of apartment buildings here in
There were a few areas that I thought it would be beneficial to ponder a little more about, one being hallway smell, the other being the indoor smell. Both of these smells are quite different in odor, but not so much in source.
Outside of my apartment:
It appears that this person has seen something quite unmentionable, but I have it on good authority that he was not looking at anything in particular. It was simply a candid reaction to the aroma of hallway. In all seriousness though, I think every blok that I have been to in
To illustrate this please allow me to set out on a hypothetical bunny trail. Imagine for a second that you are sitting in your blok one day just doing whatever it is you usually do, and you decide to take the Peace Corps issued mold spray out into the hallway of your building. You spray down the walls, ceilings, doors, and anywhere else that mold might be hiding. Wait two days. What happened? It smells different! Game over my little green friends.
Again, in all seriousness, mold can be quite the little monster. Being from
Me as a child:

Typical mold resistant paint:
My last point is somewhat competitive in nature. This picture was taken sometime after we moved in and sometime before the sun came out:
Inspector Shnoz
P.S. Is this bug friend or foe?
Posted byUnknown at 9:34 PM
Great post! Loved it!
the bug is not dangerous - you're safe :)