Bulgarian Graffiti and Architecture of the Week: Earth Day

This may be a bit late in the game but just a couple of weeks ago (April 22, 2008) was Earth Day. This was a celebration all over the world to raise awareness about our Earth, the impact humans make and how we can be more environmental. In Karlovo, I organized two days of activities. The first was painting over the graffiti on our Tourism Information Center and planting trees, and the second day included 10 children from the local mahala creating bird feeders and seedling planters. On the second day, local High School students also came to help me paint a little Earth Day related graffiti on the side of the Information Center.

We came together to paint two pictures !.)Edelvise ( this is one symbol of the info center) and 2.) A tree with youth and a banner that says to celebrate the environment. The projects and the artwork turned out to be a great success and a wonderful experience to get the local youth involved in community beautification.

Take a look!

Posted byCindy Lou at 10:17 PM  


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