The B22’s moved to site on October 18th right when the winter was really starting to set in. There were a few things that I remember about that time including the coldness of our cement apartment, the excitement of being able to cook on our own again (not without mistakes), and the ever constant smell outside of something burning. It made its way everywhere really, not even the city center was immune to the cloud.
On my way to work my 20 minute walk takes me from the outer edge of the center of the city into the much more residential area tucked a little farther up toward the mountain. It did not take long before I could start spotting the culprits for our city’s unique aroma. For the most part it was little houses that had plumes of smoke shooting out of their chimneys. Although the majority of the materials being burned were obviously wood, one could easily surmise that there was a little extra something in there for whatever reason. Who knows why, wood can not be all that expensive. But in either case, the city makes it easy for people to dispose of the ashes by providing these little things:

Anyways, after a few weeks at site as I was walking to work I saw something that I did not recognize at first. It was a melted yellow blob of plastic, some trash, and some metal. After walking away and thinking about what I had seen, I realized that someone had set one of our cities trash bins on fire!
When intact, they look something like this:

When it is on fire it looks something like this:

Or this:

But when it is plastic and burnt down it looks something like this:

This is the residue left over from a burnt trash can after someone had cleaned it up!
Over the next couple weeks I saw several of our trash cans that had something burning in them. I have to say that those things smell so much more than the chimney smoke! All they are is burning trash, so of course they smell. I even found a few other plastic ones that had been burned down. Who the heck thought it would be fun to set trash cans on fire? Probably those crazy kids.
So one day I approached one of the metal cans that I saw had a little smoke coming out of them to try and see what the heck had started the fire. It was ashes! Of course, instead of dumping their burning embers into the proper receptacles, people just use trash cans. Hmmm. I don’t know what is worse, crazy kids setting the city on fire or the general public unknowingly setting the city on fire.
Posted byUnknown
11:13 PM
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